PATRONAGE of Saint Philomena
Patroness of the Youth with predilection for babies and children.
Confront of the afflicted and imprisoned.
The solace of the suffering and sick.
Consoler of afflicted mothers who invoke her for material or spiritual help for their children.
Great helper of students and those who sit examinations.
Protectress of young married couples, with many times given the joys of motherhood.
Assists and protects expectant mothers.
When invoked she encourages many conversions.
Conversion of sinners and return to the sacraments.
Assists priest in their work.
For all Spiritual and temporal problems.
There is no case too trivial or unimportant to concern her.
She exhibits her greatest patronage towards her devotees by leading them to the love of Our Lord and Our Lady.
Patroness of the Living Rosary
Protectress of the Children of Mary
Patti Melvin, Director
Universal Living Rosary Association
P.O. Box 1303, Dickinson, Texas 77539, U.S.A.
Fax: (281) 337-3722 / (281) 309-9821